Address: 211149, Chashniki, ul. Sovetskaya, 44
Fax: 8 (02133) 3-51-75Phone: 8 (02133) 3-51-82
Legal advice of Chashnikovsky district
Legal advice of the Chashniki district is located at the address: Chashniki, Oktyabrskaya st., 16, telephone: 8(02133) 41737.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 18:00, break from 13:00 to 14:00.
The branch of the legal advice office of the Chashniksky district in Novolukoml is located at the address: Novolukoml, Energetikov st., 15, telephone: 8(02133) 57521.
Opening hours: Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, break from 13:00 to 14:00.
Attorneys at the Legal Advice:
Cossack Yana Anatolyevna
Kozlova Galina Kazimirovna
Perkhurovich Lyudmila Dmitrievna
Lawyers provide the following types of legal assistance:
- giving oral consultations and clarifications on legal issues;
- preparation of legal documents: statements of claim, statements and complaints to general and economic courts; cassation and supervisory appeals against decisions, sentences of courts and other judicial decisions; complaints against the decisions of the bodies conducting the administrative process;
- represent the interests of clients in courts, including at the stage of execution of court decisions, as well as in state bodies, other organizations, including their management bodies, and before individuals;
- participate in pre-trial proceedings and criminal courts as a defense counsel, as well as a representative of victims, civil plaintiffs, civil defendants;
- participate in the administrative process as a defender, representative of the victim, other individuals or legal entities who are participants in the administrative process;
-carry out legal assessment of documents and activities;
-carry out legal work to ensure economic and other activities;
-carry out legal work on attracting investments to the Republic of Belarus;
- perform legally significant actions on behalf and in the interests of clients within the powers granted to them by the client and the law;
-provide other types of legal assistance;
- lawyers also have the right, in the manner prescribed by law, to act as conciliators in conciliation proceedings, mediators in mediation or arbitrators when considering cases by arbitration courts.
Information about the work of the Republican Bar Association and the Vitebsk Regional Bar Association is posted on the website: