Address: 211149, Chashniki, ul. Sovetskaya, 44


Fax: 8 (02133) 3-51-75

Phone: 8 (02133) 3-51-82

The Central Square of Novolukoml Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Town Novolukoml
The Central Square of Novolukoml


The first mention of Chashniki refers to 1504 , as one of the largest settlements. However, scientists believe that Chashniki existed much earlier. In the book of records of public affairs of 1563-1569, Chashniki is mentioned as a border settlement of the Vitebsk Voivodeship.

There are several versions of the origin of the name Chashniki:

  1. Chashniki are located in a low place, in the Chashniki lowland. Relative to the level of Lake Lukoml, the city is 39 m lower - as if in a bowl.
  2. The name of the city is also associated with the development of pottery in it. Potters made pottery - bowls, which, according to the second version, gave the name to the settlement.
  3. Another explanation of the origin of the name "Cup" - from the word "cup" - a representative of the prince's administration, who led the beekeeping and honey production for the needs of the prince's palace. From the place of residence of this bowler, the name of the city appeared.
    Chashniksky district is located in the south of the Vitebsk region, the area is 1.5 thousand square meters. km. Formed July 17, 1924.

During the Great Patriotic War, partisans of the Dubov and Leonova brigades, the 1st Zaslonovskaya, the 116th Smolenskaya, Bogushevskaya, the 1st Belorussian, and the Sadchikov Regiment courageously defeated the enemy on the Chashnik land. The number of fellow countrymen-defenders of the Fatherland who died or went missing is about 7 thousand people . Human.

The number of civilians - victims of fascist terror - 3507 people, 1640 people were driven into slavery.

During the war years, 187 settlements were completely destroyed , 2440 households were burned. Six thousand natives of the region fought in the army. About a thousand soldiers, officers and underground workers gave their lives in the battles for the liberation of Chashnik land from Nazi invaders.

The region was liberated by soldiers of the 1st Baltic and 3rd Belorussian fronts during the Vitebsk-Orsha operation on June 23-28, 1944, in cooperation with the partisans of the Chashnik brigade "Dubova". The fighting was carried out by the troops of the 43rd Army, the formation of the 65th and 72nd Corps of the 3rd Belorussian Front.

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