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Regional News

20 February 2023

COVID-19 off Belarus' list of high-risk diseases

The COVID-19 infection, syphilis and gonorrhea have been removed from the list of high-risk diseases in Belarus. This decision was formalized by Healthcare Ministry's Resolution No. 25 of 3 February 2023. The document was published on the National Legal Internet Portal, BelTA informs.

This document amends Healthcare Ministry's Resolution No. 75 of 15 June 2012. The updated list includes active respiratory tuberculosis, plague, cholera, anthrax, and hemorrhagic fevers caused by Lassa, Marburg and Ebola viruses.

The infection caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus had been added to the list of high-risk diseases in 2020.

According to the Healthcare Ministry, the list was revised because of the improved epidemiological situation, better treatment protocols, and more efficient health safety measures.

To date, more than 6.678 million residents of Belarus (72.2% of the total population) have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine; more than 6.577 million of them (or 71.1%) have completed the vaccination regimen. The first booster shot was delivered to 87.5% of those who had received two doses of the vaccine.

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