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The Central Square of Novolukoml

Regional News

10 October 2022

On the territory of the Vitebsk region will be held a preventive campaign "Light up in the dark!"

In 2022, on the territory of the Vitebsk region, there were 5 accidents involving vulnerable road users, 1 (-3 compared to APPG) - with the participation of pedestrians, in which 1 (at the level of APPG) a pedestrian was injured and 4 (+2 compared to APPG ) involving cyclists, in which 4 (+2 compared to APPG) cyclists were injured.

In order to minimize negative trends in the field of road safety, improve the efficiency of work to eliminate the causes and conditions of road traffic injuries involving a vulnerable category of road users, a preventive campaign “Light up in the dark!” is being carried out in the Vitebsk region.

During the Promotion, measures will be taken to work out unregulated pedestrian crossings at rush hour and at night, as well as sections of roads, streets of settlements that are most at risk of pedestrian collisions.

Based on the analysis of road accidents involving a vulnerable category of road users for 2021 and the past period of 2022, it must be recognized that the number of these road accidents has increased on the border of the regional center and the Vitebsk region, on road sections where there is no outdoor street lighting.

For violation of the Rules of the Road by vulnerable road users, liability is provided for under Art. 18.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus, on the basis of which a pedestrian and other road user will be fined in the amount of 1 to 3 basic units. If a pedestrian is in a state of intoxication, the fine is 3 to 5 basic units.

For not providing an advantage in traffic to pedestrians crossing the carriageway at an unregulated pedestrian crossing, liability is provided for under Part 7 of Art. 18.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus, the fine is from 1 to 5 basic units. If this violation is committed repeatedly within a year, the fine will be from 2 to 8 basic units.

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