Address: 211149, Chashniki, ul. Sovetskaya, 44
Fax: 8 (02133) 3-51-75Phone: 8 (02133) 3-51-82
In the village of the future, as the agro-town of Mazolovo in the Vitebsk district is often called, the Mazolovsky polling station No 14 traditionally functions in the village House of Culture, so voting here is always a double holiday.
When the correspondents of "Vitbichi" came to make a report, amateur artists performed and only stopped the concert for a short time, only to continue it soon. The rich program includes performances by talents of different ages. Many of them conquered the audience in the regional center, the capital of the country, and abroad.
Among those who put the ballots into the ballot box were the head of the kindergarten, mother of many children Alena Bugay and her son Vitaly, a first-year student of the Vitebsk State Technological University. The guy is studying to be an IT specialist and is electing the President for the first time. He said that he is proud of his small homeland and the whole of Belarus, all conditions have been created in our country for young people to realize themselves, Get an excellent education. Vitaly is not going to leave the country, because he is sure that he has good prospects in Belarus. Alena Bugay added that large families in Belarus receive very good support.
Pensioner Valentyna Marchenko voted for her beloved country, stability and peace, excellent medicine, and social protection of a very high level. Before retirement, she worked as a milkmaid.
She stated that in the branch of the agricultural enterprise "Mazolovogaz" UE "Vitebskoblgas" they take care that all Mazolovo residents feel comfortable living in a rural settlement, are proud of it.