Address: 211149, Chashniki, ul. Sovetskaya, 44


Fax: 8 (02133) 3-51-75

Phone: 8 (02133) 3-51-82

The Central Square of Novolukoml Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Town Novolukoml
The Central Square of Novolukoml

Chashnik District Executive Committee

211149, Vitebsk region, Chashniki, Sovetskaya str., 44 Reception phone: 8-(02-133)- 3 51 82 Fax: 8-(02-133
)-3 51 75


The telephone number of the "Hotline" of the Chashniki District Executive Committee is (8 02133) 3 47 79, 3 51 82.
Calls are accepted on weekdays from 8.00 to 13.00, from 14.00 to 17.00.

Structure of the District Executive Committee

Chairman of the Chashniki District Executive Committee

BYKOV Aleksandr Petrovich

tel. 3 51 45

Manages the activities of the district executive committee, its structural divisions, organizations subordinate to the district executive committee.

Interaction with the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, regional government bodies, Chashniki District Council of Deputies.

Issues of defense, internal affairs, state security, budget and finance, foreign relations.

Structural subdivisions of the district executive committee:

- Department of Internal Affairs;
- finance department;
- Department of organizational and personnel work;
- management of affairs (in terms of issues of defense and mobilization activities).


- Commission for the assignment of classes to civil servants.

First Deputy Chairman-Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food of the Chashniki District Executive Committee
YASKEVICH Ruslan Valerievich
tel. 3 47 55

Issues of development of the agro-industrial complex, food resources, production and processing of agricultural products, farming, personal subsidiary farms, horticultural partnerships, forestry, land relations, geodesy and cartography, hydrometeorology,
environmental protection. Coordinates work on the prevention and prevention of corruption offenses, staffing, retention of young specialists, timely payment of wages in supervised organizations; sectoral trade unions. He heads the Department of Agriculture and Food of the District Executive Committee.

Structural subdivisions of the district executive committee:

- Department of Agriculture and Food;
- Department of Land Management.


- Board of Agriculture and Food Administration;
- commission for the selection of the location of land plots;
- Commission for Inventory of Water Protection Zones and Coastal Strips of Water Bodies;
- Commission for the transfer of land from one category and type to another;
- Commission for the Consideration of Land Disputes;
- the Commission for the Prevention of Destruction or Damage to Farm and (or) Forest Crops by Game Animals;
- Commission for the lease of hunting grounds and control over their use;
- the district headquarters to prevent the spread of African swine fever;
- District Coordinating Council for the Prevention of Rabies;
- the commission for the lease of fishing grounds, the organization and conduct of tenders for their lease.

Deputy Chairman of the Chashniki District Executive Committee


DANILEVICH Svetlana Viktorovna
tel.3 47 82

Issues of selection, placement, advanced training and retraining of personnel, awards, holding elections and referendums, interaction with local self-government bodies, executive and administrative bodies, religious organizations, political parties and public associations, the activities of the media and press enterprises, the organization of work on the implementation of legislation on the protection of historical and cultural heritage, humanitarian activities, implementation state ideology, socio-political information, state youth policy, analysis and forecasting of the socio-political situation in the region.

Manages the development of education, culture, healthcare, social protection, physical culture, sports and tourism.

Coordinates work on the prevention and prevention of corruption offenses, staffing, retention of young specialists, timely payment of wages in supervised organizations; sectoral trade unions.

Coordinates the work on the prevention of offenses in the district, monitors the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 24, 2006 No. 18 "On additional measures for the state protection of children in dysfunctional families".

Structural subdivisions of the district executive committee:

- Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection (except for labor, employment and wage issues);
- Department of Education;

- sport and tourism sector;

- Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs.


- Commission on Juvenile Affairs;
- the Coordinating Council for Monitoring the Implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 24, 2006 No. 18; Supervisory Commission;
- Council for Demographic Security of the Chashniki District;
- evacuation commission;
- Commission for Assistance in Monitoring the Implementation of Legislation on Freedom of Religion and Religious Organizations;
- Commission for Former Partisans and Underground Fighters;
- the Commission for the Provision of State Targeted Social Assistance;
- District Interdepartmental Coordinating Council for the Prevention of HIV Infection and Sexually Transmitted Diseases;
- the commission for the inclusion of graduates of educational institutions in the lists of persons entitled to receive a soft loan;
- Coordination Commission for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the Population of the Chashniki District;
- the competition commission for the formation of a reserve of managerial personnel;
- District Council for Labor and Social Affairs;
- District Interdepartmental Coordination Council on the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle;
- Coordinating Council for the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Chashniki District;
- Commission for Establishing the Status of Citizens Affected by the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster and Other Radiation Accidents;
- the district commission for the payment of funeral allowances;
- Coordination and Methodological Council on Legal Propaganda;
- working group on coordination of activities in the field of agroecotourism; - Interdepartmental Council on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities under the Chashniki District Executive Committee.

Deputy Chairman of the Chashniki District Executive Committee

IVASHEN Nikolay Gennadievich

wire. 3 47 80

Issues of construction, communications and informatization, transport and communications, housing and communal services and road facilities, improvement of settlements, emergency situations.

Coordinates the implementation of the requirements of the Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus of March 11, 2004 No. 1 "On measures to strengthen public security and discipline".

Coordinates work on the prevention and prevention of corruption offenses, staffing, retention of young specialists, timely payment of wages in supervised organizations; sectoral trade unions.

Structural subdivisions of the district executive committee:

- Department of Architecture and Construction, Housing and Communal Services.


- Public Commission on Housing Issues;
- headquarters for the improvement of cities and settlements, the establishment of sanitary order in the use of land and the improvement of the sanitary condition of the territory;
- Road Safety Commission;
- Commission for Emergency Situations;
- commission for the inspection of the condition of residential premises, recognizing them as not meeting the sanitary and technical requirements established for living, not suitable for living;
- Commission for holding tenders and issuing permits for suburban and urban regular transportation of passengers by road;
- commission for the preparation of materials for decision-making on unauthorized constructions;
- commission for consideration of issues of removal, transplantation of flora;
- inspection commission for conducting a review of the fire condition of residential buildings in settlements and training the population in fire safety measures;
- the district headquarters of volunteer squads.

Deputy Chairman of the Chashniki District Executive Committee

SURIN Alexander Evgenievich
tel. 3 47 84

Issues of economy, development of industry, fuel and energy complex, small and medium-sized urban settlements, energy efficiency, quality and competitiveness of industrial products, innovation, fiscal and monetary policy, property relations (including management, disposal, privatization, valuation and accounting of property), forecasting of socio-economic development of the district, consumer cooperativesstate registration, liquidation (termination of activities) of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, statistics and analysis, securities, foreign economic and regional relations, entrepreneurship and investment policy, labor, employment and wages, trade and services to the population, insurance activities, consumer protection, lease relations and use of state-owned buildings, issues related to property seized, arrested, confiscated or otherwise converted into state revenue.

Coordinates work on the prevention and prevention of corruption offenses, staffing, retention of young specialists, timely payment of wages in supervised organizations; sectoral trade unions. 

Monitors the implementation of the requirements of the directives of the President of the Republic of Belarus of June 14, 2007 No. 3 "On priority areas for strengthening the economic security of the state" and of December 31, 2010 No. 4 "On the development of entrepreneurial initiative and stimulation of business activity in the Republic of Belarus".

Structural subdivisions of the district executive committee:

- Department of Economics;
- Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection (in terms of labor, employment and wages)

Management of commissions:

- payments and settlements;
- privatization of the housing stock;
- anti-corruption;
- on the preparation and organization of auctions for the sale of land for individual construction and for the right to conclude land lease agreements;
- involvement of unused state property in the economic turnover;
- to prevent economic insolvency (bankruptcy);
- reduction of accounts receivable;
- control over the payment of wages and state benefits;
- on the protection of consumer rights.

Managing Director - Head of the Administrative Department of the Chashniki District Executive Committee

tel. 3 47 88

Issues of working with appeals of citizens and legal entities, office work and control over the execution of documents, departmental storage of documents, legal, organizational, technical, transport, economic support for the work of the district executive committee, organization of accounting and reporting.

Coordinates the implementation of the requirements of the Directive of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 27, 2006 No. 2 "On measures for further de-bureaucratization of the state apparatus", work on the consideration of citizens' appeals on the declarative principle of "one window".

Manages the activities of the Administrative Department.

Structural subdivisions of the district executive committee:

- case management;
- sector for work with appeals of citizens and legal entities; General Counsel;
- Department of Civil Registration.


- Administrative Commission; expert commission;
- Commission for Health Improvement and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of Employees of the Chashniki District Executive Committee;
- Commission for the calculation of the length of service of civil servants;
- Ethics Commission.

Heads of departments and divisions of
the Chashniki District Executive Committee

Head of the Department of Organizational and Personnel Work


Irina Leonidovna

Phone 3 51 79

Head of Finance Department SivoshenkoEkaterina Alexandrovna Phone 3 47 66

Head of the Department of Ideological Work and Youth Affairs

Baranova Alla Ivanovna

Phone 3 50 71

Head of Education Department Dirko Anna Vladimirovna Phone 6 14 37

Head of the sector for work with appeals of citizens and legal entities

Kostyanko Elena Vladimirovna

Phone 6 00 46

General Counsel

Stigneev Sergey Petrovich

Phone 3 47 93

Head of Economics Department

Mishulkov Sergey Viktorovich

Phone 3 47 89

Head of the Department of Architecture and Construction, Housing and Communal Services

Drobysh Andrey Nikolaevich

Phone 3 47 81

Head of Land Management Department Semesh Alexander Fedorovich Phone 6 09 83
Head of the Department of Labor, Employment and Social Protection Goloveshko Lyudmila Mikhailovna Phone 3 47 30
Head of Civil Registry Office Popelkova Natalia Valerievna Phone 4 17 85
Head of the Sports and Tourism Sector Pugachev Konstantin Sergeevich  Phone 6 49 83
Head of the cultural sector  Galimbovskaya Olga Norbertovna  Phone 6 0 21

Tasks and functions of the Chashniki District Executive Committee


THE HIGHER BODY FOR THE CHASHNIKI DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE IS THE VITEBSK REGIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Address: 210010, Vitebsk, Gogol str., 6. E-mail address: Web-site of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee: Hotline: 8 0212 48 11 26 Working hours: Monday-Friday from 8.00 to 13.00, from 14.00 to 17.00. Days off: Saturday, Sunday
What, in your opinion, is required to improve the quality of service in the "one window" service?
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