Chashniki Regional
Executive Committee
211149, Chashniki, ul. Sovetskaya, 44
8 (02133) 3-51-75
8 (02133) 3-51-82
The Central Square of Novolukoml
Chashnik District Executive Committee
Chashniksky District Council of Deputies
Executive committees of the primary territorial level of the Chashniksky district
National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus
Historical and cultural heritage of the Chashniksky district
Famous people of the Chashnikovsky district
Person of the Year
Hall of Fame
Photo Encyclopedia of Belarus
Real estate
Transport and communications
Trade and services
Foreign economic activity
State registration, liquidation of business entities
Banking system
Department of Housing and Utilities
Chashniki Branch of the Vitebsk Regional Unitary Enterprise for Fuel Supply
Law and order
Prosecutor's office of the Chashniksky district
Compulsory Enforcement Department of the Chashniksky District
Department of the Interior of the Chashnik District Executive Committee
Department of security Chashnik department
Notary offices
Chashniksky District Department of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus
State Committee of Forensic Examinations of the Republic of Belarus
Structural divisions of the district executive committee, organizations, district services
Department of Agriculture and Food of the Chashnik District Executive Committee
Registry Office
Chashniksky District Department of Emergency Situations
Regional Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology
Chashnikovsky District Inspectorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
Lepel Interdistrict Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Plants
Regional archive
Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Republic of Belarus for the Lepel District
Financial department of the district executive committee
Social sphere
Physical education and sports
Youth work
Labour, employment and social protection
Public associations, trade unions
Territorial center of social services for the population
Center for Ensuring the Activities of Budgetary Organizations and State Bodies
Ideological work
Humanitarian cooperation
Project Application Form
Clarifications on the procedure for the use of foreign gratuitous aid
List of general business expenses
On measures to implement Decree No. 3
On the establishment of forms of documents
A set of measures for UPS for 2021-2023
Information on competitions opened by foreign donors, programs for the provision of foreign gratuitous assistance
Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 25.05.2020 No. 3 "About foreign gratuitous aid"
Regional program for attracting foreign gratuitous assistance to the Chashniki district for 2023
1. Projects in the field of education.
Humanitarian project "Territory of Joy"
Humanitarian project "I hear! Feel! I'm acting!"
Humanitarian project "Healthy Childhood"
Humanitarian projects "Road ABC"
Humanitarian project "We are together"
Humanitarian project "Preschool Center for Ecological Comfort"
Humanitarian project "Healthy children – happy parents!"
Humanitarian project "Healthy Children – Healthy Nation"
The humanitarian project "Sun-Garden" is a territory of joy!"
Humanitarian project "School for All – School for Everyone"
Humanitarian project "Sunny Gift"
Humanitarian project "Sport for All"
Humanitarian project "Rope Town"
Humanitarian project "Special child"
Humanitarian project "Family and school teach and educate together"
Humanitarian project "Development and popularization of women's football in Chashniki"
Humanitarian project "Giving joy to people!"
2. Projects in the field of healthcare.
Humanitarian project "Healthy Heart"
Humanitarian project "Live in motion"
Humanitarian project "Give life to old age"
3. Projects in the field of culture, sports and tourism.
Humanitarian project "CULTURE FOR ALL!"
Humanitarian project "Pinocchio"
Humanitarian project "Chashniki - the past, present and future of the Jewish shtetl"
Humanitarian project "I want to dance"
Humanitarian project - "Family Recreation Room"
Humanitarian project "Make your life brighter! Choose your sport!"
Humanitarian project "The Tragedy of the Jews Chashnik"
Humanitarian project "Let's keep the shrine together"
Humanitarian project "Serpent Stone"
Humanitarian project "Inclusive Museum"
Humanitarian project "Reconstruction of the Alley of Heroes of the Soviet Union in Chashniki"
Humanitarian project "Reviving, multiplying"
Humanitarian project "Health and Sport"
Humanitarian project "Faster! Above! Stronger!
Humanitarian project "Sport is great!"
Humanitarian project "The Art of Clay and Fire"
Humanitarian project "Kufar mayoy Chashnichchyny"
Humanitarian project "Key to Health"
Humanitarian project "Chashniki Historical Museum"
Humanitarian project "Fantasy"
Humanitarian project "If you want to be healthy - do it!"
4. Projects in the field of social protection.
Humanitarian project "Colored Patch"
Humanitarian project "Rainbow of Wishes"
Humanitarian project "On the Wave of Health"
Humanitarian project "We can"
State support for families with children with disabilities
Anti-Corruption Commission
Humanitarian cooperation
Occupational Safety and Health
Public Discussions
Information about the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus
Single day of information
Budget execution
What, in your opinion, is required to improve the quality of service in the "one window" service?
Increase the working time
Reduce the waiting time in the queue
Improve the competence of employees
Provide a more polite attitude
Improve conditions in reception waiting areas
Increase the number of administrative procedures (issues) of the executive committee that can be solved through the "one window" service
Internet Resources
Official website of the Ministry ofOfficial website of the Ministry of Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus Taxes and Dues of the Republic of Belarus
Improving the business climate in the Republic of Belarus
Data bank of legal information "DEPUTY"
Directory of Government Resources
Debureaucratization of administrative procedures
Portal for rating the quality of services provided by organizations of the Republic of Belarus
Symbols of the Republic of Belarus
National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus
Website of the President of the Republic of Belarus
Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs
Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs
Improving the business climate
Export Information Support Portal
Information on the liberalization of economic activity
State Educational Institution "Institute of the Border Service of the Republic of Belarus"
POMOGUT.BY/ child safety online
Children's legal site
Official website of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee
Vitebsk Regional Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus
Vitebsk Regional Department of Gospromnadzor
Chashnikovskaya regional organizational structure of DOSAAF