Prosecutor's office of the Chashniksky district

The prosecutor's office of the Chashniksky district is part of the unified and centralized system of the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Belarus
The staff of the Prosecutor's Office consists of 5 prosecutors and 3 prosecutors.
The district prosecutor's office is headed by a prosecutor who has a deputy.
The administrative building of the prosecutor's office is located at:
211149 st. Oktyabrskaya, 12, Chashniki, tel./fax 8 (02133) 3-30-18.
Employees of the prosecutor's office of the Chashniksky district
Prosecutor of the Chashniksky District
Counselor of Justice
Galimbovsky Sergey Sergeevich
tel. worker 8 (02133) 33023
Galimbovsky Sergey Sergeevich has been serving in the prosecutor's office of the Vitebsk region since February 25, 2004. He worked as an acting investigator, investigator of the prosecutor's office of the Shumilinsky district, assistant prosecutor of the Miory district, deputy prosecutor of the Braslav district. By order of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Belarus dated June 6, 2018 No. 356-k, he was appointed prosecutor of the Chashniksky district.
Deputy Prosecutor of the Chashniksky District,
Junior Counselor of Justice
Azarushkina Ekaterina Alexandrovna
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Senior Assistant Prosecutor of the Chashnikovsky District
1st class lawyer
Mateykovich Elena Petrovna
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Senior Assistant Prosecutor of the Chashnikovsky District
lawyer 2nd class
Kamadei Oksana Igorevna
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Assistant Prosecutor of the Chashnikovsky District
1st class lawyer
Lebedeva Marina Alexandrovna
The schedule of personal reception of citizens, including individual entrepreneurs, and representatives of legal entities in the prosecutor's office of the Chashnikovsky district in accordance with the schedule below, and from 18.00 to 20.00 by appointment :
District Attorney
Galimbovsky S.S. |
1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesday of the month from 08.00 to 13.00
2nd, 4th Wednesday of the month from 14.00 to 20.00 |
district prosecutor
Azarushkina E.A. |
1st, 3rd, 5th Monday of the month from 08:00 to 13:00
2nd, 4th Monday of the month from 14.00 to 20.00. |
Major assistant
district prosecutor
Kamadei O.I. |
1st, 3rd, 5th Tuesday of the month from 08:00 to 13:00
2nd, 4th Tuesday of the month from 14.00 to 20.00 |
Major assistant
district prosecutor
Matejkovich E.P. |
1st, 3rd, 5th Thursday of the month from 08.00 to 13.00
2nd, 4th Thursday from 14.00 to 20.00. |
district prosecutor
Lebedeva M.A. |
1st, 3rd, 5th Friday of the month from 08.00 to 13.00
2nd, 4th Friday of the month from 14.00 to 20.00 |
On June 26, 1922, at the third session of the Central Executive Committee of the Byelorussian SSR, in order to oversee the observance of laws and in the interests of the "correct formulation" of the fight against crime, the Regulations on prosecutorial supervision were adopted and the State Prosecutor's Office was established as part of the People's Commissariat of Justice.
The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus clearly defines the competence of the prosecutor's office and establishes the principle of independence of prosecutors in the exercise of their powers. The unified and centralized system of prosecution bodies is headed by the Prosecutor General, who is accountable to the Head of State.
By Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 157 dated March 26, 1998, a professional holiday was established in independent Belarus - the Day of Prosecutors.
In 2007, a new Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus" was adopted, which, embodying the best traditions of the entire historical development of the Belarusian prosecutor's office, determined the role and principles of its functioning in the modern state mechanism, the nature and main areas of activity.
The prosecutor's office occupies one of the most important places in the law enforcement system. As a body of supreme supervision over the exact and uniform execution of laws, the prosecutor's office directs its activities to the full strengthening of law and order, the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, and the education of officials and citizens in the spirit of conscientious fulfillment of their constitutional duties.
The main legal act regulating the activities of the prosecutor's office in the Republic of Belarus is the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the Prosecutor's Office" dated 08.05.2007.
According to the Constitution, the unified centralized system of prosecution bodies is headed by the Prosecutor General, who is appointed by the President with the consent of the Council of the Republic. Subordinate prosecutors are appointed by the Attorney General. According to the law, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus consists of the General Prosecutor's Office, which is the central apparatus of the system of prosecutor's offices, the prosecutor's offices of the regions and the equivalent prosecutor's office of the city of Minsk. In addition, it includes the prosecutor's offices of cities (districts), inter-district prosecutor's offices, as well as specialized prosecutor's offices, which can be appointed and dismissed on the proposal of the Prosecutor General. These include military, transport. According to their status, specialized prosecutor's offices are equated with the prosecutor's offices of regions, districts (cities) or inter-district prosecutor's offices.
The Prosecutor General manages all the activities of the Office of the Prosecutor's Office and exercises control over their work. He also has the right to issue departmental normative legal acts, orders, instructions, orders, and also approves the provisions and instructions that are mandatory for all prosecutors.
The Prosecutor General's Office is the central link in the system of prosecution authorities. In the structure of the Prosecutor General's Office, departments and departments are distinguished, headed by chiefs with deputies. Departments and departments include prosecutors of departments and departments.
The middle link of the prosecutorial bodies consists of the prosecutor's offices of the regions, the city of Minsk, as well as those equivalent to them. These prosecutor's offices are headed, respectively, by the prosecutors of the regions (Minsk). Their powers include managing the activities of the apparatus of the relevant prosecutor's offices and subordinate bodies, as well as issuing orders, instructions, instructions that are binding on all subordinate employees. Subordinate prosecutors are also subordinate and accountable to them.
Regional prosecutors have several deputies. In the structure of the regional prosecutor's offices, departments and departments are distinguished, headed by chiefs and having corresponding prosecutors on staff.
The main link of the prosecutor's office is the prosecutor's office of cities, districts, inter-district and equivalent prosecutor's offices. They are headed by the respective prosecutor.
The Prosecutor's Office plays a coordinating role in the fight against crime and corruption, which underlines its special legal status.
One of the main activities of the prosecutor's office is the work with appeals, through which prosecutors promptly eliminate the violated rights and freedoms of citizens, business entities and organizations.
The Prosecutor's Office is making active efforts to develop and implement comprehensive joint measures both on the part of law enforcement agencies and other executive and legislative authorities, other social institutions in order to consolidate the current trend of reducing the level of crime, its prevention, preventing illegal prosecution of citizens, ensuring inevitability of punishment for committed crimes.
To ensure the tasks assigned to the prosecutor's office to strengthen law and order, the state has endowed prosecutors with broad rights and powers. Hence the requirements for the prosecutorial environment itself - only citizens of the Republic of Belarus with a higher legal education and the necessary professional and moral qualities are accepted for service in the prosecutor's office. After a six-month internship, the prosecutor's worker takes the Oath. Honesty, adherence to principles and professionalism are an essential requirement for every employee of the prosecutor's office.
On additional measures to work with appeals from citizens and legal entities
Schedule of reception of citizens in the prosecutor's office of the Vitebsk region