Youth work
Youth policy
Youth is a strategic resource for the development of the country, and all issues related to the life of young people are included in the sphere of national and state interests.
State youth policy - a system of social, economic, political, organizational, legal and other measures aimed at supporting young citizens and carried out by the state for the social formation and development of youth, the fullest realization of its potential in the interests of the whole society.
The strategic documents that define the goals and directions in the field of state youth policy are the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated December 7, 2009 No. 65-Z "On the Fundamentals of State Youth Policy", the State Program "Education and Youth Policy" for 2021 - 2025.
The main directions of the state youth policy:
- civil and patriotic education of youth;
- promotion of a healthy lifestyle for young people;
- state support for young families;
- promoting the realization of the right of young people to work;
- state support of youth in education;
- state support of talented and gifted youth;
- Promoting the realization of the youth's right to association;
- assistance in the development and implementation of socially significant youth initiatives;
- international youth cooperation.
As of May 1, 2022, 4,165 young people aged 14 to 31 live in the district, which is 14.7% of the total population of the district. Of these: underage students - 758, young professionals - 211.
There are one children's and two youth public associations in the Chashniksky district:
- Chashnikovskaya regional organization of the public association "Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization" (1947 members);
- Chashnik district organization of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" (1204 members);
- Chashniksky district branch of the Belarusian Youth Public Organization of Firefighters (1274 members).
Every year in the Chashniksky district, as part of the implementation of the state youth policy, the following are held:
- events dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists, Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, Victory Day, Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus, etc.;
- campaigns “We are citizens of Belarus!”, “Belarus remembers!”, “Safety in every home”, “Don't burn your life”, “Give joy to children”, “To school with a Kind Heart”, “Miracles for Christmas” and others;
- competitions “Songs of the youth of our fathers”, “Lighting the stars”, “Lord of the village”, “New Year's masquerade”, etc.;
- the project on the volunteer movement "Who, if not us?!" is being implemented.
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Law of the Republic of Belarus dated December 7, 2009 No. 65-Z "On the fundamentals of the state youth policy
Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 19, 2021 No. 349 "On the Strategy for the Development of the State Youth Policy of the Republic of Belarus until 2030"
Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 29, 2021 No. 57 "On the State Program "Education and Youth Policy" for 2021-2025"
A set of measures to implement the state youth policy in 2022
In Chashnichchyna, the youth are implementing the action "We choose to help the elderly"
Warm attention and help deed. It is this goal that has become a priority for the youth of the Vitebsk region, which is implementing the republican charitable campaign "We choose to help the elderly."
Volunteers of the “Kind Heart” movement of the public association “Belarusian Republican Youth Union” took part in many events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.

Volunteers went to the pupils of the children's social shelter with gifts and good mood
They were the guys from the volunteer detachment "Prometheus" of secondary school No. 4 in Chashniki, who were joined by the first secretary of the district committee of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union"
Natalya Shukaylo .
As part of the campaign “Belarusian Republican Youth Union with Love for Children!”, timed to coincide with the International Children's Day, an entertainment program with interesting quizzes and contests was held with the boys and girls of the orphanage. The guys had a lot of fun. Also, the children were given sweet gifts and stationery.

At the VI extraordinary meeting of the Plenum of the Chashniky District Committee of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union", which was held in the building of the Chashniky Regional Center for Culture and Folk Art, a new first secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" was elected. They became Natalya Shukaylo.

On March 18, 2022, the V Plenum of the Chashniky regional organization of the Public Association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" was held
- Summed up the results for 2021;
- Set goals for the future;
- Awarded to the best of the best
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A solemn event dedicated to the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was held in the city House of Culture.
In his address to those present, the chairman of the district executive committee, L.V. Pleshko stressed that the Constitution laid a solid foundation for the state sovereignty and political structure of Belarus, established the social rights of citizens, created conditions for the preservation and enhancement of the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of the nation.
Leonid Vladimirovich congratulated the guys who were honored in a solemn atmosphere to receive their main document - the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, reminded of the responsibility accompanying this event.
Words of congratulations to those present on the occasion of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus and parting words to the guys who receive the main document of a citizen of the country were also addressed by the prosecutor of the Chashniksky district S.S. Galimbovsky. Sergei Sergeevich presented the boys and girls with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and a gift from the President A.G. Lukashenka - the book "I am a citizen of the Republic of Belarus".
In a solemn atmosphere, from the hands of the deputy chairman of the district executive committee, I.F. Syrovchenko, schoolchildren of the district received membership cards of the public association “Belarusian Republican Youth Union”. This day was also special and important for representatives of the working youth of the Chashnich region. Tickets and badges were awarded to N.I. Shcherbakova, S.V. Agarka, Yu.V. Simanovich, E.R. Petrashko, A.A. Pusher, D.V. Avramchik.
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“It’s impossible to forget this, because it’s impossible to forget ...” This was the name of the rally-requiem, held on March 9 at the memorial complex “Vyshenki”, dedicated to the tragedy that took place exactly 77 years ago, which claimed 114 lives in a deadly flame ... Representatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan NGO “BRSM”, district organization of the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans, regional organization of the NGO "Belaya Rus", department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs, department of education of the district executive committee, youth, students of the Tyapinsky kindergarten-secondary school, chairman of the Prozemlyansky village executive committee N. I. Yarokh, residents Prozemlyansky Village Council and others took part in the rally, thereby paying tribute to the memory of those who died that day and did not wait for the Victory.

Presenters from the city House of Culture, Yulia Kalitnik and Anna Dolgaya, introduced the audience to the historical facts of the Great Patriotic War in our area, recalled that the first punitive operation was carried out by the Nazis at the end of 1941 in the village of Lukoml, where about three hundred civilians were shot. In February-March 1942, the same sad fate befell more than three thousand inhabitants of Chashnik, the villages of Chereya and Krasnoluky. In addition to Cherries, civilians in the villages of Astashevo, Staychevka, Dvor Slidtsy, Yarinovo, Krasnoye Utro, and the village of Belarus were burned in Chashnichchyna. Four villages of the Chashniksky district are listed in the Khatyn memorial complex, and Vishenki is called the “blood sister” of Khatyn. A minute of silence was honored for those who died in the fire on that distant March day ... Then garlands and flowers were laid at the memorial ...
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Most recently, the district stage of the patriotic song contest “Songs of the youth of our fathers” has ended. The winners and the best performers in the declared nominations were determined. This event, which has already become traditional, was held with the aim of supporting talented young vocalists, raising the level of performing skills, patriotic and aesthetic education of the younger generation on the best examples of the song genre of past years, popularizing the work of Soviet and Belarusian composers, organizing free time for young people.
This year, the contestants presented to the jury two musical compositions to choose from: one of a patriotic orientation ("Immortal Songs of My Era"), the second - of Belarusian composers ("My Kutochak - May Country").
The theme of the Great Patriotic War was clearly traced in the speeches of all eight participants. The songs "Melody of War", "Letter from the War", "To Heroes" and others, accompanied by documentary footage, presented emotionally and touchingly, allowed the audience to feel the depth of the authors' and performers' experiences. It is impossible to listen without tears to the memories of war veterans, mothers who lost their children during the war years, orphans and the elderly left without relatives. This is our pain, which, despite the past years, still echoes in the hearts of the Khatyn bells.
The zonal qualifying round of the “Songs of the youth of our fathers” contest, in which our district will be represented by O. Lovchaya, S. Savitsky, Yu. Atrashkevich, will be held in Gorodok on February 22.
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On January 29, a regular meeting of the Youth Chamber was held, in which the chairman of the Chashniksky District Council of Deputies A.D. Kosov, Deputy Chairman of the Chashnik District Executive Committee I.F. Syrovchenko, head of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs G.P. Avizha, chairman of the commission on juvenile affairs E.A. Vydrenko, chief specialist of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs A.I. Baranova, First Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" A.I. Dolgaya, chairman of the Youth Chamber of the Chashniki district Yevgeny Kolmak, secretary of the primary organization of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" of the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 4 of Chashniki" V.V. Buylov.
The event was held in the format of an online conference with activists of the youth public association, students of educational institutions of the district, members of the Youth Chamber. The Chairman of the Youth Chamber summed up the work for 2020 and announced the work plan for the first half of 2021.
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On January 22, the XVI Plenum of the Chashniky Regional Committee of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" took place, at which the results of the work for the past year were summed up, plans and prospects for the coming period were outlined. The event was attended by Deputy Chairman of the Chashniki District Executive Committee I.F. Syrovchenko, Head of the Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs G.P. Avizha, chairman of the regional association of trade unions M.V. Shostak, chairman of the regional organization of the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans V.V. Kovalenko, secretaries of the primary organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". There were several topical issues on the agenda, including the activities of some primary organizations of the youth public association. At the end of the event, the best primary organizations of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" for 2020 were awarded. So, letters of thanks from the district committee for active participation in the implementation of the state youth policy were presented to representatives of the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 4 of Chashniki", the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. .Novolukoml".
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The residents of the regional center could make sure that each settlement has its own winter wizards. On the eve of the New Year, the good lords of winter, together with their granddaughters - the Snow Maidens - came to Chashniki to parade from the city's House of Culture along the main street of the regional center to the main Christmas tree and start the New Year celebrations. Together with them, a bright, colorful New Year's express was moving - decorated vehicles of institutions and organizations of the region. At the head of the column was a special vehicle of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, driven by Father Frost. It was followed by the official car of the territorial center, which on this day looked like a symbol of the coming year.

The fulfillers of New Year's wishes were cheerful, welcoming the Chashnians and guests, and with them - Babka-Ezhki, Snowman, Kikimora, mischievous Flapper, Old Man-Borovichok, Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Zimushka-winter, funny Burenka and Goby - symbols of the coming year. The column proceeded along the main street and gathered the townspeople near the main Christmas tree in the square. Further events unfolded on the stage. At the beginning of the holiday, the results of the regional review competition were summed up, the deputy chairman of the Chashniksky district executive committee, I.F. Syrovchenko, presented diplomas to the winners.

Then real passions boiled on the stage: the participants of the New Year's Masquerade carnival costume contest presented their performances to the jury and the audience. They sang, danced, read poems, demonstrating their unusual costumes. The jury did not remain indifferent and determined the top three. The victory was won by Marina Sugakova with the costume of Burenka (GUO "Chashnikskaya Children's Art School"), Vera Vyatokha with the costume of Babka-Ezhka (GUK "Chashnikskaya District Centralized Library System") and Svetlana Astapchik with the costume of Kikimora (GUO "Nursery Garden No. Chashniki"). Diplomas for the creative design of special vehicles were given to the district department for emergency situations, the territorial center and the library system.

At the New Year's masquerade, an atmosphere of celebration and fun reigned. Hand in hand, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and fairy-tale heroes led round dances around the Christmas tree, inviting the audience to have fun with them. Incendiary music, good mood, congratulations from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden gave all the participants of the holiday a charge of vivacity and energy. Familiar New Year's songs performed by groups and soloists of the city's House of Culture sounded from the stage. The symbols of the coming year, bulls, made in various techniques, were especially popular. The collective of the folk club of the Belarusian national cuisine "Smak" offered the guests of the holiday to warm up with hot tea, refresh themselves with fish soup and other dishes. Aromas hovered near the tent,
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The regional final stage of the republican project "Memory of the Heart" was held at the historical and geographical site. Tenth grade students of the first school of the district center, together with other representatives of the RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" and employees of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the district executive committee, made up the word "Memory" from symbolically lit candles on the sites of burned villages marked on the site. And the memory of the untimely departed residents of the villages of Vishenki, Astashevo, Yarinovo, Staichevka, Dvor, Slidtsy, Fedka was honored with a minute of silence.
Time erases a lot, but the memory of the people lives in the hearts of the sons, daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the departed heroes of the past war ...
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The Republican Youth Innovation Project “100 Ideas for Belarus” brings together creative and talented young people of our country. This grandiose forum provides an opportunity for everyone from 14 to 35 years old to express themselves throughout the country. The purpose of this project is to activate the innovative thinking of young people, to involve young people in solving the problems of the socio-economic development of Belarus, to promote the implementation of youth initiatives in the field of scientific and technical developments. The organizers of "100 Ideas for Belarus" are the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, the State Committee for Science and Technology with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Every year, hundreds of participants present their scientific projects and creative initiatives, demonstrating the highest level of skill, perseverance and determination. This year, the regional stage of the republican project "100 Ideas for Belarus" was held in Orsha, where more than forty interesting ideas, unique in their essence, were presented. Students of secondary school No. 2 in Novolukoml under the guidance of teacher E.A. Mulyarova presented their development of seven mobile applications in Orsha. Each of them is a kind of tourist route around Belarus according to the chosen thematic direction. So, using these applications, you can make virtual excursions to the Serpent's Stone (Chashniksky district, application "Legends"), visit Tsmok (Lepel, application "Unusual Monuments"), get acquainted with the traditions of Christian culture (applications "Orthodox Belarus ”, “Catholic Belarus”), etc. In addition to the mentioned applications, you can learn a lot of interesting things by downloading the applications “Military Monuments”, "Castles", "Palaces". On the basis of secondary school No. 2 in Novolukoml, a republican experimental project "Approbation of educational and methodological support for learning the App Inventor programming language in hobby classes for students in grades VII-VIII" is being implemented. Therefore, mobile applications are created in the MitAppinventor program. The guys adequately defended their project, received positive feedback from experts, incredible emotions, experience of communicating with representatives of various media. Novolukoml is implementing a republican experimental project "Approbation of educational and methodological support for learning the App Inventor programming language in hobby classes for students in grades VII-VIII." Therefore, mobile applications are created in the MitAppinventor program. The guys adequately defended their project, received positive feedback from experts, incredible emotions, experience of communicating with representatives of various media. Novolukoml is implementing a republican experimental project "Approbation of educational and methodological support for learning the App Inventor programming language in hobby classes for students in grades VII-VIII." Therefore, mobile applications are created in the MitAppinventor program. The guys adequately defended their project, received positive feedback from experts, incredible emotions, experience of communicating with representatives of various media.
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On December 15, working youth of the Chashniksky district took part in the pilot civil-patriotic media quest "Youth is the future of the Republic of Belarus". About 20 people from among the working youth participated in the virtual competition. They had to answer questions not only about their small homeland, but also about Belarus. This is the first such quest organized in the region. All tasks were given online in the general chat in Viber.
What lake is called the Belarusian Sea? In which city of our country is the center of Europe? What is depicted on the coats of arms of the largest cities in Belarus? How old are the Chashniki? The participants of the quest answered these and other questions successfully. As a result, Natalya Zaleskaya, deputy director of the Vedrensky kindergarten, a basic school, became the leader. She was the quickest to give the most accurate answers. Nadezhda Prikhodko, the engineer of the Krasnaya Zvezda paper mill of the Svetlogorsk CCC OJSC, who won the 2nd place, and the bronze winner Nadezhda Yermashkevich, who works in the housing and communal services of Chashniki, lost the palm to her. The winners were awarded diplomas.
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Patriotic education first of all begins with love for one's small homeland, native land. An important role in this is given to the study of the history and culture of the city, region. Patriotic education of youth is impossible without a clear example. That is why an interesting event was held last week by the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs and the commission for minors of the Chashnikovsky district executive committee, RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". For the children with whom individual preventive work is being carried out, they organized an excursion to the Chashnik Historical Museum.

The purpose of the event is to introduce teenagers to the glorious history, the heroic pages of the Chashnich region during the Great Patriotic War. Nadezhda Korol, director of the Chashnik Historical Museum, told the children about this. In addition, museum visitors were invited to watch the film “Come and See”. The author of the film wants to reach out to humanity. You can not kill each other, sow cruelty and violence, otherwise it will affect everyone. It was this idea that they tried to convey to the guys during the dialogue-discussion after watching the film.
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Last week, the XV Plenum of the Chashniky District Committee of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" took place. The Plenum was attended by the secretaries of primary organizations, the head of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the district executive committee G.P. Avizha, the chairman of the Chashnikovsky regional association of trade unions M.V. Shostak. Alesya Ivanovna Dolgaya was nominated for this position, and all those present unanimously supported her. Alesya Ivanovna graduated from the Vitebsk Industrial Pedagogical College, Polotsk State University with the qualification “Historian. Teacher of history and social and humanitarian disciplines, as well as a master's degree from this university. Upon completion of her studies, she was awarded the qualification “Master of Science in History”. Previously, she worked at the Territorial Center for Social Services for the Population of the Chashniksky District, the Chashniksky Historical Museum. So now the youth of the district has a new leader - active and purposeful. Good luck in achieving your goals, mutual understanding and an easy way! Let the start be successful! So now the youth of the district has a new leader - active and purposeful. Good luck in achieving your goals, mutual understanding and an easy way! Let the start be successful! So now the youth of the district has a new leader - active and purposeful. Good luck in achieving your goals, mutual understanding and an easy way! Let the start be successful!
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On October 23, on the historical and geographical map of the Chashniki region, they met those for whom Chashnichchina has become or may soon become a home. Almost a hundred young professionals who have arrived in our district by distribution are getting accustomed to a new place and taking their first steps in the professional field. distribution area. This year, energy, industrial and agricultural enterprises, construction organizations, educational, healthcare, cultural, trade, law enforcement agencies, and other areas have replenished with young personnel - 93 specialists arrived at their first workplace.

The event was attended by Chairman of the Chashniki District Executive Committee L.V. Pleshko, Deputy Chairman I.F. Syrovchenko and guest of honor - labor veteran G.I. Astapenko. Then the boys and girls were able to ask their questions. The event continued in the city's House of Culture. In the foyer, the participants were presented with an exhibition of models of Vasil Tyapinsky's estate. There is also a registration book for young specialists, where everyone who arrived in the region could leave his autograph. The original picture could be taken in the photo zone prepared by the district center for children and youth.
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This year is special. It passes under the sign of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. Many events dedicated to this important date took place in the region. And in the autumn we continue good deeds. Another action took place recently in Zarechnaya Sloboda. District leadership, youth, representatives of public organizations, labor collectives took part in the planting of young pines, fir trees, saplings of hardwoods. Several dozen people arrived in Zarechnaya Sloboda. Near the ravine where the ashes of our fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War lie, forest plantations have already been carried out earlier. In fact, a pine forest was laid here. Well, the good deed continues.

The participants of the action once again did a great job. In total, at least 700 seedlings were planted. What is nice, representatives of different generations and labor collectives worked side by side.
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For cleanliness in the forest - Chashnichchyna joined the voluntary republican action "Clean Forest". More than 100 residents of the region became its participants. This year, the campaign to restore order is timed to coincide with the Year of the Small Motherland. The environmental action and the initiative of the Chashnik Inspectorate of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection were supported by representatives of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the district executive committee, the Orthodox Church, members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, employees of forestries, a paper mill, Chashnikigaz. The first object to which the labor troops set off was the Jezus spring, which is located in the state forest fund of the Chashnik forestry and is a natural monument.
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Recently, Vasil Tyapinsky's spring has become a favorite place for many residents and guests of our region. Thanks to the initiative of caring citizens, a unique place has been created in Chasnichchyna, which is a connecting thread between the past and the present. On October 15, a delegation from the regional center visited the spring. As part of the environmental campaign "Let's equip a small homeland", landscaping work was carried out here. Representatives of organizations and enterprises, working youth, members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, chairmen and members of the primary trade union organizations came to the gardening. The largest group among the participants were employees of Chashnikigaz.
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An apple orchard was laid out on the territory of the Novozaryansk Nursing Hospital. And they planted young trees, which is symbolic, on the Day of the Elderly. A good deed for people who are wards of the institution was done by our fellow countrymen who took part in the action "Garden of Kind Hearts", organized by the RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" and employees of the Kashchinsky cultural and sports center.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- District quest game "Small motherland - native city ", dedicated to the Day of the city of Chashniki
To recall the main moments in the history of the small motherland, a quest game "Small motherland - native city" was held in the district, organized by the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the district executive committee, RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". Seven teams from representatives of the working youth organizations and enterprises of the district - secondary school No. 1 in Chashniki, secondary school No. 4 in Chashniki, the basic school of the district center, the Chashniki gymnasium, the Chashnikigaz PU, Lukoml State District Power Plant, as well as a joint team of preschool institutions.

While developing the scenario of the quest, the chief specialist of the department Alla Baranova tried to take into account all the key points regarding the glorious history of the Chashniki region and her native Belarus, and include the most interesting questions.

According to the results of the assignments, the winners and prize-winners of the competitive quest were determined. The overall result included more points for the greeting and appropriate appearance. Thus, the third place was taken by the team of secondary school No. 1 in Chashniki. The second is the team of the Lukoml State District Power Plant. The team of secondary school No. 4 in Chashniki became the winner.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Summer holidays are over. Someone during this period rested at home, in the country, and someone worked. In OJSC "Ivansky-Agro" in the summer, a student group "Druzhba" named after F.F.Dubrovsky was formed, in which eight children from the State Educational Institution "Ivansky Kindergarten-Secondary School of the Chashniksky District" worked. Three of them also went through the entrance campaign in the summer and entered the educational institutions of our country.

On the Day of Knowledge, September 1, the chief specialist of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the district executive committee Alla Ivanovna Baranova and the first secretary of the district committee of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" Kristina Viktorovna Kozlova visited the solemn line at the school of the agricultural town of Ivansk. The students who worked during the summer holidays in the student brigade were presented with gratitude from the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs, as well as sweet gifts from the RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union".

Congratulations sounded on this day from the head of the District Department of Internal Affairs A.V. Usovik, the chairman of the village executive committee L.V. Morozova. Vitalia Karaban, an ideology specialist at Ivansky-Agro OJSC, presented cash prizes and stationery to the students from the student brigade.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Youth does not remain aloof from preparing children for school. In mid-August, the Republican charity event "To School with a Kind Heart" started. For several years in a row, volunteers of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" have been organizing the collection of stationery, sports equipment for large, low-income families to help children and their parents prepare for school.

On August 28, 2020, a charity event was held near the Euroopt store to collect the necessary goods for schoolchildren, organized by the RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". Everyone could make a contribution and donate something useful and useful to children. The cost of a notebook or a pen is quite small, but the result of common efforts can be significant.
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The results of the regional competition in the harvesting of grain and leguminous crops among youth harvesting crews and young drivers involved in the transportation of grain from combines were summed up. In 2020, the victory was won by the youth crew of JSC "Prozemle-Agro" - senior combine Shastitko Nikolai Pavlovich and combine operator Priyavko Artem Leonidovich. The young driver of JSC "Palace of Labor-Agro" Karaga Evgeny Alexandrovich was the first in the region to transport 1500 tons of grain from combines.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- The grain harvesting campaign in Chashnichchyna crossed the equator. A few pleasant and exciting minutes on August 11 were experienced by the senior combine operator N.P. Shastitko and combine operator A.L. Priyavko from OJSC Prozemle-Agro. The youth crew threshed a thousand tons of grain on the KZS-1218 combine harvester. Right in the field, not far from Zakurye, Nikolai Pavlovich and Artyom Leonidovich were honored with a labor achievement.

Gratitude of the department for agriculture and food of the district executive committee to young people was presented by the first deputy chairman - head of the department for agriculture and food of the district executive committee M.I. Milchanin. Mikhail Ivanovich expressed his gratitude and congratulated the combine operators on their achievement, expressed confidence that they would continue to work just as efficiently. Then the grain growers received congratulations from the regional organization of the trade union of agricultural workers, the regional association of trade unions, the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the district executive committee, and agricultural enterprises.
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The project of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union "Open Dialogue" is being implemented in our country as a platform for social and political activity of youth. On July 30, Chasni residents also took part in it. The young residents of the regional center had the opportunity to ask questions to the representatives of the authorities.

An "open dialogue" between the working and studying youth of the Chashnich region took place with the Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee V.P. Penin, Chairman of the Chashnik District Executive Committee L.V. Pleshko, Deputy Chairman of the District Executive Committee I.F. Syrovchenko, the first secretaries of the Vitebsk OK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" V.V. Chrol and RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" K.V. Kozlova.

The venue for the event was an interactive platform with a historical and geographical map of the region, which recently appeared in the regional center. It was created in the Year of the Small Motherland and the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from Nazi invaders, on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The conversation was frank and interesting. Topical questions were asked, including on the development of the region and the city. The "Open Dialogue" ended on a positive note, the family of the regional organization of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" has replenished. The first secretary of the Vitebsk OK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" V.V. Khrol presented the young people with membership cards and badges.
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In order to form civic and national self-awareness among young people, promote the development and implementation of youth socially significant initiatives, support talented and gifted youth, enhance traditions and popularize the country's youth movement, on July 18, 2020, Youth Day events were held as part of the XXIX International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" in the format of the youth fest "#YouthDays2020".
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Today, youth policy in our country is one of the main directions in the activities of the state. And it is right. After all, youth is the future! Tomorrow, yesterday's students and schoolchildren will become full-fledged citizens of the state, so it is very important to give them the opportunity to realize themselves, as well as make every effort for proper education.

On June 27, the younger generation celebrated Youth Day. The festival of colors "Holi-mix", a fascinating tour of the historical and geographical map "My native land", incendiary songs and dances made this day interesting and memorable.

It should also be said about the awarding of the most active and talented representatives of the youth. Diplomas and thanks were received by members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, as well as the best "primary organizations" of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union".
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During the republican subbotnik, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union launched the charity project “Belarus Remembers. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". As part of these events, an alley of family trees was laid in Chashniki, a total of 10 lilac seedlings were planted. The families of the district center planted their family lilacs, among them were those who had recently married, became parents, celebrated or will have an anniversary of their life together. The landing took place in two stages. Closer to ten in the morning, the first participants gathered in the stadium near the fourth school. Young representatives of families with balloons, parents with inventory - a festive atmosphere was felt.

At the initiative of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the district executive committee, the youth center "Leader" was created - a public amateur association, the main goal of which is to consolidate youth in the region, support young professionals, and create conditions for professional and personal growth. During the first meeting, the chairman of the center and the secretary V. Karaban (OJSC Ivansky-Agro) and Yu. young people, to be interested in what forms of leisure activities to offer? Participants of the meeting talked about it. It is planned to hold meetings of the Youth Center "Leader" once a quarter.
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On October 24, 2019, in the City House of Culture, a meeting was held between the leadership of the district and young professionals who arrived at their first workplace in the Chashniksky district in 2019.
Such events are held annually to provide assistance and support to young people, to resolve the problems they faced at the beginning of their career.
This year, institutions of culture, education, healthcare, law enforcement agencies, the regional department for emergency situations, trade, agriculture and forestry enterprises have replenished with young personnel.
These are 124 graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.
L.V. Pleshko, Chairman of the Chashnikovsky Regional Executive Committee, addressing the young specialists who arrived in the region, emphasized that youth is the future of the country.
Leonid Vladimirovich also noted that conditions for the comprehensive development of youth have been created in the Chashniksky district: sports clubs, museums, libraries, clubs, additional education centers are open, various events and competitions are held. This new milestone in the life of everyone is defining - the beginning of a new, interesting, vigorous activity. It is important to be proud of your workplace, for the results of your work.

A. S. Sabalevskaya, Deputy Head of the Retail Business Department of the Banking Services Center No. 222 of Belarusbank OJSC, informed about the conditions of preferential lending and various forms of credit loans for young specialists. spoke about the organization of leisure activities for youth in the district, the director of the Chashnik Center for Children and Youth S. G. Sushkova spoke about the areas of activity in the field of additional education for young people, the head of the sports and tourism sector of the Chashnik District Executive Committee A. G. Saveliev spoke about the sports base of the district, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, they wished creative and labor success to the newly minted specialists.With the words of congratulations and parting words, the young specialists were addressed by the chairman of the regional committee of the Belarusian trade union of workers in education and science L. V. Petrishche, the deputy chief physician of the Novolukoml central regional hospital V. V. Krasovsky, the deputy head of the department for agriculture and food of the Chashnik district executive committee V. A Krupovskaya.

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The Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Chashnik District Executive Committee organized an action timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol. Veterans of labor, pioneers, members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and the Youth Chamber of the Chashnikovsky district, representatives of public associations, labor collectives took part in the planting of young pines.
More than 50 people arrived in Zarechnaya Sloboda. Near the ravine, where civilians were shot during the Great Patriotic War, forest plantations had already been carried out earlier. In fact, a pine forest was laid here. And the good work continues.
Participants of the action dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol did a good job. In total, about 2 thousand seedlings were planted. What is nice, representatives of different generations worked side by side. And they did it with great enthusiasm.
Memory is valuable. It is important not to forget milestones in our history, to be proud of the glorious achievements of previous generations. Protect the legacy we have left. Years will pass - small pines will grow, the pine forest will rustle. And everyone who had a hand in this will be able to note with satisfaction: "Here is my merit."
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The deputies of the regional Council of Deputies are ready to support any initiatives of the youth, to help implement promising undertakings, to assist in resolving many issues. In turn, representatives of local authorities expect young people to really participate in the life of the district. This was exactly what was discussed during the first, organizational meeting of the Youth Chamber of the new convocation, which brought together twenty-five of the most active guys, those whose word has weight among their peers, and whose leadership qualities are beyond doubt.
A wonderful chance to do something useful for themselves and their small homeland was given to the members of the Youth Chamber, noted, welcoming the guys, the chairman of the regional Council of Deputies AD Kosov. He stressed that it is on them, advanced young people, that special hopes are placed, it is from them that social activity and the most daring projects are expected.
“We do not demand any grandiose achievements from our youth right away,” Alexander Dmitrievich noted. “But even small things, such as helping veterans, landscaping campaigns, waste paper collection and others, will bring great benefits in total. In turn, we are always ready to support young people in any endeavors.”
At the meeting, the chairman of the youth chamber was elected. The student of secondary school No. 1 of the regional center Yevgeny Kolmak became the winner. In addition, the work plan for the current year was approved. The children will be able to make a feasible contribution to the preparations for the census, events within the framework of the Year of the Small Motherland, and will meet with veterans of the Komsomol movement. And in the future, undoubtedly, they will leave their mark on the land of Chashnik. Daria Rozhko
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In early September, the regional stage of the family agricultural project "Lord of the Village-2018" was held in Sharkovshchina. Chashnichchina was represented by Victor and Vitaly Karaban from Ivansky-Agro OJSC. It was this family that previously became the winner of the regional stage.
The couple thoroughly prepared for a trip to Sharkovshchina. And they performed pretty well. On the account of our countrymen one first and two second places in separate competitions. Victor and Vitalia showed themselves great in the test

"Draniki on the Kalodze". The main dish of the national Belarusian cuisine was a success for the Ivan workers. Moreover, the participants cooked potato pancakes on an open fire, in field conditions. Representatives of Chashnichchyna were recognized as the best cooks. The Karaban spouses also presented the video “Lepshy rural padvorak” very successfully. The jury awarded the couple second place. The second residents of Ivansk were also in the competition "Exhibition of the Syameynay Gaspadarki".
Our compatriots did not get into the final three in the sum of all types of the competitive program. But in any case, their performance deserves all praise.
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Every year on the eve of the celebration of the City Day of Chashniki, vocal performers aged 6-18 present their talents on stage in the Lighting the Stars competition program.
This year was no exception. Both newcomers and those who participate in the competition not for the first time delighted the audience with their creativity. Every year the level of performing skills grows, the competition intensifies.
Despite the worries and excitement of the participants and spectators, the contestants once again demonstrated good vocals, spectacular performances and a sense of the stage. The Grand Prix was awarded to a member of the children's solo singing group "Style" of the city House of Culture Ksenia Burko, an eleventh-grader of secondary school No. 1 in Chashniki, with the song "I will always love you ...".
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At the meeting of the presidium of the Chashniksky District Council of Deputies, the implementation of the main directions of youth policy in the district was considered. Information was provided by the heads of the departments of ideological work, culture and youth affairs, education G. P. Avizha and A. V. Dirko, the first secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" V. V. Korotkova.
4,279 young people live in the district, which is more than 14 percent of the population of the district, including 3,226 (75.4%) in cities and 1,053 (24.6%) in rural areas.
The most massive youth public association is the "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". As of August 1, 2018, there were 840 people in 73 primary organizations and 35 cells (20.4% of young people aged 14 to 31). Of these, 544 (65%) are schoolchildren, 296 (35%) are working youth.
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On August 30, the IV Plenum of the Chashnik district organization of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" was held, during which the issues of changing the composition of the Plenum and electing the first secretary of the Chashnik district committee of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" were considered. During the consideration of the first issue, a new composition of the Plenum of the Republic of Kazakhstan NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" was approved in the amount of thirteen people (secretaries of the primary organizations of enterprises and organizations of the district). about events, regional and republican levels, in which the youth of the Chashnichchyna manifest themselves in the best way. Then voting was held on the election of the first secretary of the Chashniky district committee of the public association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". VV Korotkova was unanimously elected to this position.
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The organization of students' leisure in the summer is one of the most important issues in the educational process. And to have a rest and even earn money... The youth does not refuse such an offer.
The district committee of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" on the basis of OJSC "Prozemle-Agro" formed a student team from among the students of the city schools of the district and the Ulsk vocational-technical lyceum of agricultural production. The guys worked on the farm as auxiliary workers, performed certain types of work provided for their age category.
The specialists of the RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union", in agreement with the host organization, approved the program of activities of the student team and its composition, the work of the student team was carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded between the parties.
M.Yu. Skrabnevsky, director of OJSC Prozemle-Agro: “We are happy to help find jobs for children during the school holidays. The organization of student teams together with the RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" on the basis of our farm is a great opportunity for them to prove themselves as agricultural workers, because some of them have not yet chosen their future profession, and this is one of the opportunities to determine in practice the direction of their future activities. Work in the agricultural field is time-consuming and requires strength, but the return is felt. The fighters of the student brigade have passed the appropriate safety briefing, all the necessary conditions have been created for them. I would like to believe that one of these guys will come to work with us after a while, and we will help in any way we can.”
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- For several years in a row, the department of ideological work, culture and for Youth Affairs of the Chashniky District Executive Committee, together with the Republic of Kazakhstan, the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" is holding a branded event - the family agricultural project "Lord of the Village". The district stage was held on the basis of the institution "Vedrenskaya kindergarten - basic school". Young families representing the agricultural enterprises of the Chashnichchyna fought for the honorary title. The organizers of the event prepared a lot of tests for the participants. The program was designed so that each family could demonstrate a wide variety of skills and abilities.

The contestants competed, and the jury gave points. First of all, it was necessary to introduce themselves properly. During the presentation, the participants sang songs, read poems, punned on the theme of rural and family life, showed photos and videos. After the competition program was exhausted, the jury summed up the results. The head of the department for ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the district executive committee, Galina Avizha, announced the names of the winners. The title of "Lord of the Village-2018" in a bitter struggle was won by the spouses Viktor and Vitalia Karaban, representing OJSC 
"Ivansky-Agro". To the applause of the public, the family was awarded a Diploma and a valuable prize. Very soon Viktor (master of workshops) and Vitalia (dispatcher) will represent our district at the regional stage of the project. Diplomas and valuable prizes were also awarded to other families who distinguished themselves in each of the individual competitions. Gifts to the winners of the project were provided by the Chashnik district organization of the Republican public association "Belaya Rus", the Chashnik district branch of the NGO "Belarusian Peace Fund", the district committee of the trade union of agricultural workers. During the event, many songs were performed by amateur artists. Cultural workers superbly filled in the pauses, creating a truly festive atmosphere.
The spouses, helping each other, proved that they are a close-knit family, they always go through life together, dividing the household chores in half.
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The results of the operational regional competition in the harvesting of grain, leguminous crops among youth harvesting crews and young drivers involved in the transport of grain from combines were summed up. Ovsyanko Aleksey Sergeevich, combine operator. The young driver of JSC "Palace of Labor - Agro" Karaga Evgeny Aleksandrovich was the first in the region to transport 1,000 tons of grain from combines.
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4-5th live price festival "SPRAVA". The floating platform of Platformix has become a great day for the summer of May, and for the first time the May International School of Architecture SESAM 2018 ExNihilo was launched. The program of the festival had different maystar classes and quests, sightseeing tours and many other events. Akramya tago, Belarusian craftsmen called a few small landarts at the oak hai pavestrava.

Udzen gostsi festa ўdzelnichali ў rose majstar-classes. Navedvalnіkі zarabіlі svаіmі і handsі zedlіk, table с dаpаmоgаy maistroў а steel maisternі.
For children, there were mystar-classes on painting "Mazhliva ўsyo!", a show of breath-taking films, roaring actors and musicians of the project "Diyafilm LIVE", a performance by the technician of the small theater-studio "Konislon" and much more. dchas of the region from the history of the land, which kalistsy belonged to Sapieha and Milash. Amatars of the nature ruled for an hour on pragultsy on eka-scene.

The performances of music and singers, and there were more than 10 of them, lasted for a few months: on the main stage, the slow-moving dancers of the amphitheater, and the dachshund on the floating platform. At the foot of the festival, our fellow countrymen have a musical program - the vocal group "Natkhnenne" of the Chareyskaga DK and the folk calects "Kruglitsa".
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On August 4 and 5, Chashnichchina again received guests from various parts of the country. Near Novolukoml, the fourth final stage of the championship and championship of Belarus in car cross took place. 37 strongest riders from Belarus and Russia took part in the competition. Despite the hot weather, spectacular races gathered a lot of fans. From year to year, the number of participants in the competition increases. On the first day, the semi-final and final races of the D-1 and National-2000 divisions took place. In the second - semi-final and final races of the divisions "D-1-Junior", "D-2", "Buggy D-3" Sprint ".

It should be noted that the judges of the championship were representatives of the Chashniky district organization of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.
Oleg Zakharenkov from Smolensk won the first place in the National-2000 division. Athlete Kirill Malchuk (Grodno) took second place, Vladimir Kuleshov from Borisov took third place. Alexander Latyshev from Minsk climbed to the top step of the podium in the D-1 division. "Bronze" went to Vitebsk resident Vitaly Ododyuk. Borisov resident Nikolay Shery took the third place.

In the Buggy D-3 Sprint division, as in the past year, Arseniy Statkevich from Brest became the absolute leader. Buggist from Vitebsk Viktor Kogtenev finished second, Mikhail Khristodorov (Vitebsk) finished third. Vadim Garbuzov (Vitebsk) finished first in the D-2 division. Second - Sergei Sivirchukov (Grodno). The third result was shown by Vitaly Ododyuk (Vitebsk). According to the results of the competition, the team of the republican educational and sports center DOSAAF (Minsk) became the winner. The second and third places were taken by Alfa Motorsport (Orsha) and DOSAAF-Vitebsk.
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On July 28-29, numerous tourists gathered on the banks of the Ulla, representing institutions, organizations and enterprises of the Chasnich region. In Imsmertiya Park, a regional youth tour was held dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Komsomol. As usual, passions were running high, the teams were fighting for victory. A total of 20 teams participated in the competition.

The participants endured many trials. In addition to sports competitions (summer triathlon, tourist obstacle course, orienteering, volleyball), they had to prove themselves in an intellectual quiz, amateur art competition, and organization of tourist life. Even cooking lunch in the field was judged by a strict jury.
Tourists competed well and had a wonderful rest. The time was spent with benefit, we lived as one friendly family. At the end of the competition program, the organizers summed up the results. The first place at the regional tourist meeting was taken by the team of the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 4 in Chashniki". The second place was won by the team representing CBU No. 222, Chashniki, Belarusbank, the third place was taken by tourists from the Krasnaya Zvezda Paper Mill branch of Svetlogorsk CCC OJSC.
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The next meeting of the youth information group of the Chashnik district organization of the RPO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" (MIG) consisting of i. O. First Secretary V. V. Korotkova, Chief Specialist Yu. Yu. Zueva, Director of the Ivan House of Folklore A. V. Minchukov with working youth took place on the basis of Ivanskoye-Agro. During the dialogue, we discussed the procedure for introducing a new type of membership card, focused on the need for the rational use of natural resources and the wealth of our country. Young people who work on the land, love their work and respect what others do for the prosperity of their native land, the desire to preserve and increase the existing traditions in the countryside, the extension of labor dynasties were also discussed during the meeting.
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This year, lovers of camping romance gathered in the Ushachsky district. Numerous tourists from different regions of the Pridvinsky region competed on the shore of a picturesque lake called Vechelye. Here, from July 6 to 8, a regional youth tourist meeting was held, dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Komsomol.

The opening ceremony was held at the Proryv memorial complex. For three days passions boiled. The team of the Chashnikovsky district was represented by 25 participants. Arranging the camp and organizing life, orienteering, passing the obstacle course, kayaking, amateur art competitions and for the best wall newspaper - I had to endure a lot of tests.

The victory was won in the competition of amateur performances. The second places were taken by the inhabitants of Chasni in the technique of cycling tourism and the competition for the best wall newspaper. The final team place is seventh.
However, this is not the most important thing. There was an atmosphere of unity at the tour. Nobody canceled the competitive spirit, but otherwise hundreds of people from different regions of the Vitebsk region lived as one family.

They rested, had fun, sang songs by the fire, went to visit each other. These days will be remembered by the participants for a long time.
Next year, the regional tourist meeting will also take place. Where the hiking trails lead, only time will tell. One thing is certain: it will be very interesting again.
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On June 29, 2018, in the Chashniksky district, Youth Day began with the Holly festival of colors, which gathered everyone on the central square of the city. A bright and colorful performance with incendiary rhythms of modern music, skillfully managed by a team of professional DJs, was not only wonderful entertainment for the children, but also represented an interesting creative process.

Then in the area of the parking lot on the street. Sovetskaya, 43, a competitive program began among autolady members of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". The woman behind the wheel is beautiful, the girls are convinced, who decided to prove this statement with their own example. Experienced motorists, talented artists and simply beauties - the competition became a test not only for the participants, but also for the jury, which was to determine the best.

Well, the awarding of the participants took place in the evening, during the concert program dedicated to the Youth Day. And this was one of the surprises prepared by the organizers of the holiday. Among the rest is a heel race that started right before the concert. Needless to say, this competition in Chashniki claims to be a traditional one, because it is not the first time that it has been held as part of the Youth Day celebrations.

Honored not only autolady and participants of the race. Diplomas and thanks were received by the most active members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, “primary members” of the NGO “Belarusian Youth Union”, young people who glorify the region with their deeds, heads of organizations where the implementation of state youth policy is at a high level.

Another good holiday surprise was the republican patriotic project “Museum Bus “Flowers of the Great Victory”. The bus with the mobile exhibition arrived directly at the square where the event was held, so that everyone could visit the exhibition. The mobile exposition is an integral part of the republican patriotic project "Flowers of the Great Victory". This large-scale social action aimed at uniting Belarusians has been implemented in the country since 2015 at the initiative of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.
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On May 29, 2018, a meeting of the youth information group with the working youth of the enterprise was held at the Krasnaya Zvezda Paper Mill branch of the Svetlogorsk CCC. Topic of the meeting: key aspects of the annual message of the President of the Republic of Belarus to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus. Also at the meeting, they discussed the activities of the Red Cross organization in the Chashniksky district, and the invited guest, the chairman of the Red Cross regional organization, Lidiya Vasilievna Bogodyazh, answered the questions that arose.
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On May 2 and 4, in the Chashniksky district, bike rides “We will be worthy of a feat!”
As part of the events dedicated to the Victory Day on May 2 and 4 in the Chashniksky district, bike rides “Let's be worthy of a feat!” were held. School students and working youth took an active part in the bike rides. The start was given at the monument to the soldiers - liberators of the city of Chashniki, where the participants of the bike ride laid a wreath. They drove through the memorable places of the Chashniksky, Beshenkovichi and Lepelsky districts, and also visited the places where partisan dugouts were once located near the villages of Vaskovshchina and Starye Lavki.

On May 4, 2018, the fifth regional open festival of the military-patriotic song "Song is part of your soul" was held, dedicated to Victory Day
On May 4, 2018, to the songs of birds, the crackling of a fire and the applause of the audience, at the site of the former location of the partisan camp in the village of Vaskovshchina, the fifth regional open festival of the military-patriotic song "Song is a part of your soul" was held, dedicated to Victory Day.
The event started on the square near the monument to soldiers-liberators in the regional center, from where the festival participants went to the venue of the creative competition. It ran in three categories. Young vocalists performed songs of the war years, songs about the war in the "Songs of Victory" nomination, soldiers' songs and songs about the Belarusian army in the "Motherland. Army. Duty" nomination, and also sang about the Motherland, Belarus in the "We live in Belarus, oh Let's sing Belarus." Let's say right away that there were no losers that day, and the artists themselves and the audience got a lot of fun. And after all the songs were sung, everyone was offered to try real soldier's porridge.

The youth of Chashnichchyna took part in the marathon "Train of Memory"
The Memory Train marathon, dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War and the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol, started on April 27 in Vitebsk. The three-day action was held during the republican patriotic project "Flowers of the Great Victory".
The marathon is held with the aim of popularizing the history and sights of Belarus, civic and patriotic education of young people and involving them in socially significant social activities.

Our compatriots also took part in this marathon: an asset of the RK NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union", the Chashniksky District Center for Culture and Folk Art, the branch "Paper Factory" Krasnaya Zvezda "OJSC" Svetlogorsk CCC", OJSC "Expanded Clay Gravel Plant Novolukoml", an institution " The editorial office of the newspaper "Chyrvony Pramen".

Republican subbotnik under the sign of the small motherland was held on April 21, 2018 in Belarus
From the very morning, hundreds of people worked in the Chashnich region. The leadership of the district, labor collectives of enterprises and organizations, representatives of public associations, youth of the district worked in the village of Vishenki, on the Alley of Memory and Sorrow in the village of Zarechnaya Sloboda, the village of Fedki, at military burials and assigned territories.
During the Republican subbotnik, the territories of the settlements of Chashnichchyna were landscaped, monuments were put in order, and young forests and alleys were planted.